
Сообщения за январь, 2024

Privacy policy

 This privacy policy explains how I, the developer of the game mazescape, handle your personal data when you play my game or use my services. What personal data I collect and why I do not collect any personal data from you at all when you play my game or use my services. I only use Google Play services in my game, such as in-app purchases, Play Account login and leaderboard. These services may collect and process your personal data according to Google's privacy policy, which you can review here: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en-US  . I do not control and am not responsible for the collection, use, transfer or storage of your Google information. I also do not have access to this information and do not use it for any purposes. How I protect your personal data Since I do not collect any personal data from you at all, I have nothing to protect. However, I make every effort to ensure the security of my game and my services from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or d